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八年級英語下冊Unit 4《A good read》Welcome to the unit

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Unit 4《A good read》Welcome to the unit
Words review
     read  n. 讀物
  cooking  n. 烹飪,烹調(diào)
    novel  n. 小說
  Germany  n. 德國
knowledge  n. 知識
    spare  adj. 空閑的;多余的
   French  adj. 法國(人)的
   writer  n. 作者,作家
     ugly  adj. 丑陋的
    touch  vt. 感動,觸動
Listen to the conversation between Eddie and Hobo and answer the following questions.
1. What did Eddie do after Hobo gave the books to him?
2. What did Hobo think?
3. Does Eddie really love reading?
Fill in the blanks.
Eddie asks Hobo ______ ______ ______ with the books. Hobo has not ______ ______. Eddie asks Hobo to give the books to him. Eddie feels ______ because he did not know that Eddie ______ books. In fact, Eddie wants to use the books to ______ the box on the fridge.
What type of book do you like?
  health, fitness & dieting
  history    architecture    computer
    law        cooking       education
  drawing     music     novel
  science fiction & fantasy     travel     culture
Write the type of book under each picture.
  science     cooking     travel
  health     novel      culture
Sandy and Daniel are talking about what they like to read. Listen to their conversation and answer the questions.
  What is Daniel's favourite type or book? Why?
  What is he reading now?
  What does Sandy like to read?
  What book does she think is great? Why?
Work in pairs and ask each other what you like to read and why you like it. Use Sandy and Daniel's conversation as a model.
Pride and Prejudice is a novel by the English writer Jane Austen.
The course(過程) of Elizabeth and Darcy's relationship is ultimately(最終) decided when Darcy overcomes(克服) his pride, and Elizabeth overcomes her prejudice, leading them both to surrender to(屈服) the love they have for each other.
Language points
Have you decided what to do with these books, Hobo?
He doesn't know how to get there.
The Hunchback of Notre Dame by the French writer Victor Hugo is great.
1. The ______ of the great book, The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, is Mark Twain. (2012遼寧大連)
   A. theme    B. price    C. owner    D. writer
2. My ______ of French is poor.
   A. knowledge    B. energy    C. change    D. courage
3. I have no ______ money this month.
   A. brave    B. spare    C. straight    D. light
4. What the teacher said ______ all the students.
   A. held    B. reached    C. designed    D. touched
1. The book is a good ______(讀物).
2. My mother always hated ______(烹飪).
3. He has a limited (有限的) ______(知識) of ______(德國).
4. Have you got a ______(多余的) pen?
5. She is a famous ______(作家) of children's books.
6. I feel really fat and ______(丑陋的) today.
7. We were deeply ______(感動) by the film.
1. what to do with ...
2. have to
3. a book about sth.
4. be interested in
5. spare time
Study skills
To improve your writing, you need to make sure that your ideas, both in sentences and paragraphs, stick together and have coherence. One way to do this is to use transitional words or phrases that help bring ideas together.
Transitions between ideas
When we write an article, we have different ways to connect the ideas in it. Here are some common transitions between ideas.
To show time
  After: After our ship crashed against the rocks, I swam as far as I could.
  before: Try to finish your work before you leave.
  when/whenever: Vegetables are best when they are fresh.
  while: Don't talk while you're eating.
  as: He came just as I was leaving. 我正要走時他來了。
  as soon as: I'll let you know as soon as I hear from her.
  until, till: Hold on until I get help. 堅持一下,等我找人來幫忙。
               Never trouble trouble till trouble troubles you.
  since: She's been playing tennis since she was eight.
  Soon, later, every time(每次), each time ...:
    Childrens lives are in danger every time they cross this road.
To show Sequence
  first: First, we had fun on Space mountain.
  second: Then we watched a 4-D film.
  next: Next, we went to a restaurant.
  then: Then we did some shopping.
  finally: Finally, we watched the fireworks in front of sleeping Beauty Castle.
To add more information
  And/and then: And/And then I felt something on my legs.
  either: I could not understand him. I did not know what to say either.
  also/too: I also want to travel and have exciting experiences in the future.
  moreover: Moreover, I have decided to write my own stories.
  again: I want to go to Disneyland again.
To give an example
  For example: They are now in danger. For example, it is difficult for pandas to have babies.
  Such as/like: I know four languages, such as Japanese and English.
                They planted many flowers, such as roses, sunflowers, etc.
To show cause
  because: He distrusted me because I was new.
  as: As you are sorry, I'll forgive you.
  since: Since we've no money, we can't buy it.
  for: You shouldn't be careless, for it often leads to serious problems.
To show effect
  so: The child had a bad cough, so his mother took him to the doctor.
  so that: I went to the lecture early so that I got a good seat.
  so...that: This box is so heavy that I can't carry it.
  such...that: This is such an interesting book that we keep reading until midnight.
To emphasize
  never: I've never been to America.
  in fact: He says he knows everything about DIY. In fact, I know much more than he does.
To compare and contrast
  but/yet: Someone borrowed my pen, but/yet I don't remember who.
  however: He said he was our friend, however, he wouldn't help us.
  while: Many birds live in Zhalong all year round, while some go there only for a short stay.
  otherwise: We'll go early, otherwise we may not get a seat.
  On the one hand, On the other (hand):
    On one hand, he's patient with class, on the other hand, he isn't patient to his children.
To express purpose
  in order that/so that:
    He raised his voice in order that/so that everyone could hear.
Sandy is writing about her love for novels. Read her article and underline the transitional words and phrases (Page 59).
1. He checked her weather report ______ he went out.
2. Most girls like reading novels ______ most of boys like reading science fictions.
3. She has worked for seven hours. ______, she was tired out.
4. Too many cars have caused a lot of problems. ______, people cannot find enough parking spaces.
5. She saw a man behind her. ______, he was watching her strangely.






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[江蘇省南通市] good,I like that.


2017-02-08 11:45:42

[江蘇省蘇州市] 我喜歡這里的老師。


2016-08-04 10:55:27

[江蘇省泰州市] 不錯不錯,個人喜歡,成績提高了,以前80多分,現(xiàn)在98分了,全班第二,真高興啊


2016-04-11 22:15:49

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