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八年級英語下冊Unit 3《Online tours》Welcome to the unit

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Unit 3《Online tours》Welcome to the unit
Online tours
Read the new words
Words review
        guide  n. 導(dǎo)游,向?qū)?/span>
         icon  n. 圖標
        click  vi. & vt. 點擊
         Asia  n. 亞洲
       Africa  n. 非洲
       Europe  n. 歐洲
      America  n. 美洲
 world-famous  adj. 世界著名的,舉世聞名的
        trade  n. 貿(mào)易
     southern  adj. 南方的,南部的
international  adj. 國際的
       gather  vi. & vt. 聚集,集合
         huge  adj. 巨大的
     darkness  n. 黑暗
       island  n. 島嶼
      several  det. 幾個,數(shù)個
         lawn  n. 草坪
Words and expression review
relax  vi. 放松,休息
hard  adj. 辛苦的;艱難的
Musical  n. 音樂劇
so much for sth(表示就某事講完了)關(guān)于……就講這么多,……到此為止
bottom  n. 底,底部
pick  vt. 挑選
play  n. 戲劇,劇本
website n. 網(wǎng)站
trade             a. a play filled with many songs
international     b. rest after work
gather            c. come together
huge              d. a period of 100 years
several           e. more than two
relax             f. the activity of buying and selling
century           g. two or more countries taking part
musical           h. very large
Let's learn some new words.
screen  n. 屏幕,顯示器
keyboard  n. 鍵盤
mouse  n. (pl. mice或mouses) 鼠標
main unit  n. (電腦)主機
programme  n. 節(jié)目;計劃,方案
channel  n. 頻道
remote control  n. 遙控器
Free talk
What do you usually do when you are free?
Learning about computers
Annie, Simon's cousin, wants to learn about the different parts of a computer. Look at the picture below and help her write the correct answers in the boxes.
    keyboard     main unit     mouse     screen
We can use it to ....
              for ....
Learn more about computers
What else can we do with a computer?
   do word processing  文字處理
   send and receive emails  收發(fā)電子郵件
   watch programmes or videos  觀看節(jié)目
   search for information  搜尋信息
   chat with friends  和朋友聊天
   play games  玩游戲
   make flash
   listen to music
   shop online
   read e-books
   learn English
   surf the Internet
Simon and Daniel are talking about the different uses of computers. Work in pairs and ask each other what you use a computer for. The ideas in the box may help you. Use the conversation below as a model.
   chat with friends          do word processing
   play games                 search for information
   send and receive emails    watch videos
Let's practice!
A: What do you usually use your computer for?
B: I usually use it to ...
A: Why?
B: Because ...
A: How often do you use your computer for this?
B: ...
Let's think!
Do Eddie and Hobo know well about computers?
Listen and answer the questions.
  What do Eddie and Hobo think the computer look like?
  Do you know what "the remote control" really is?
Language points
turn on                     search for information
send and receive e-mails    play computer games
use it to do sth.           look like
remote control              change the channel
main unit
What do you use your computer for?
I usually use it to search for information.
How often do you use your computer for this?
In last class we have learnt about the different uses of computers. What do you usually use your computer for? Have you ever used computers to search for travel information? What websites have you visited?
Welcome to New York
Background information
紐約別稱“大蘋果”。關(guān)于此名的由來有好幾個版本,其中廣為流傳的一個是源自20世紀初流行于美國爵士樂手中的一句歌詞:“樹上有這么多蘋果,但當你選中了紐約市,你就選中了最大的蘋果?!焙髞韙he Big Apple成了紐約市的代名詞,意指這是一個充滿機遇的城市。
Wall Street
Times Square
Central Park
Listen and answer
What is the name of the website?
How many places of interest are mentioned? What are they?
Read and translate
                  Around the World in Eight Hours
Welcome to "Around the World in Eight Hours". I'm your tour guide, Robin. Have you noticed the "Tour" icon at the top of the page? Just click on it, and you can visit Asia, Africa, Europe, America and more in only eight hours!
Here we are in "the Big Apple" — New York, the biggest city in the USA.
Wall Street, the world-famous trade centre, is here at the southern end of Manhattan Island. There are many big companies and international banks here.
Further on is Times Square. Every year, thousands of people gather here on New Year's Eve. It's exciting to see the huge glass ball falling through the darkness!
In the centre of the island is Centre Park. With several lakes, hill and a large green lawn, it's a good place to relax after a hard day's work.
When you visit New York, don't miss Broadway. It has been famous for its theatres since the early twentieth century. Have you ever heard of the song "Memory"? It comes from the famous Broadway musical Cats.
Ok, so much for New York. There's a "Back" icon at the bottom of the page. Click on it, pick another city and then start your new tour!






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