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八年級英語下冊Unit 2《Travelling》Welcome to the unit

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Unit 2《Travelling》Welcome to the unit
The Great Wall
It's the symbol of China. It looks like a dragon from far away. In autumn, you can enjoy red maple leaves.
Mount Fuji
It's a symbol of Japan. There is snow on top of this mountain all year round. In summer, you can go camping, go swimming or go fishing. In winter you can go skiing.
The Statue of Liberty
It's in New York City, the USA. It stands for liberty.
The Tower Bridge
It's a large bridge over the River Thames in London. It has twin towers. You can enjoy the beautiful view of the River Thames.
The Leaning Tower
It's a symbol of Italy. It's leaning, not straight up. It's 54.5m in height, 16m in diameter(直徑) and 1.4t in weight. There are 294 steps.
The Little Mermaid
It's the symbol of Denmark. The girl has a fish's tail instead of legs.
Now Eddie is going on a trip. Let's listen to the tape.
Answer questions.
1. Where is Eddie going?
2. Does Hobo want to go too?
3. What does Hobo want to bring?
Language points:
go on a trip to sp.
join sb  加入某人
Join us
Join sth  參加什么
join the Party  入黨
take sb out  帶某人出去
pack  v.  打包
pack the bag
bring sth with sb  隨身帶某物(帶來)
take sth with sb  隨身帶某物(帶走)
I don't think it'll be a holiday for me. 含有think的句子否定前置。
Fill in the blanks
Eddie is going on a ________ to South Hill. He has ________ there many times. Hobo thinks it ________ be fun and wants to ________ Eddie. Eddie agrees to take him out ________ a few days. Hobo is ________ and wants to take ________ with him. He is so ________, but Eddie ________ think it will be a good holiday for him because he has to take Hobo's big heavy ________.
A trip to Hong Kong
Disneyland in HongKong
香港迪士尼樂園(Disneyland, Hong Kong)的面積只有126,82公頃,是全球面積最小的迪士尼樂園,是世界上的第五個迪士尼樂園。
1. Listen to the tape.
2. Read the article quickly.
3. Answer my questions and retell Kitty's trip.
Answer the questions:
1. Who visited Disneyland?
2. How long did they stay in Disneyland?
3. What did Kitty think of Hong Kong Disneyland?
4. What did they do first?
5. Why couldn't Kitty stop taking photos with Disney characters?
6. What was the best part of the day?
7. What did they do after the parade?
8. What did they watch at the end of the day?
Let's translate the article together.
A trip to Hong Kong
Hi, Millie,
How are you? We haven't seen each other since last week. I miss you so much! My parents and I have been in Hong Kong for two days. We're having a fantastic time here. Today we spent the whole day at Disneyland.
We got to the park by underground. First, we had fun on Space Mountain -- an indoor roller coaster in the dark. It moved at high speed and was really exacting! We were screaming and laughing through the ride.
Next, we hurried to a restaurant to have a quick meal. On the way, we met some Disney cartoon characters, such as Snow White and Mickey Mouse. They were so cute.
Everybody got excited when a parade of Disney characters began later in the afternoon. It was the best part of the day. I ran after them and couldn't stop taking photos. After the parade, we watched a 4-D film. It was like magic. We could even smell the apple pie and feel the wind.
Then we did some shopping. I bought a couple of key rings for classmates. I'm sure you'll love them.
At the end of the day, we watched the fireworks in front of Sleeping Beauty Castle. The castle looked bright and beautiful under the fireworks.
I know you've gone to Hainan. Hope you've enjoyed yourself there!
See you soon.
Some phrases:
1. have a fantastic time  過的極開心
2. an indoor roller coaster  一個室內的過山車
3. at high speed  高速地
4. hurry to a restaurant  匆匆趕到一家飯店
5. have a quick meal  快速地吃了飯
6. such as  比如
7. a parade of ...  ……的游行
8. later in the afternoon  在傍晚時候
9. run after ...  追趕……
10. can't stop taking photos  忍不住拍照
11. a couple of key rings  幾串鑰匙扣
12. at the end of ...  在……的末尾
13. watch the fireworks  看煙火
14. let me have a look  讓我看一看
15. through the ride 在乘坐過程中
Language points
My parents and I are having a really fantastic time here.
Have a good/nice/great/wonderful time
Enjoy oneself
Have great fun
I met many of my favorite Disney characters, such as Sleeping Beauty, Sonw White ...
Such as例如,列舉整體之中部分人或物,用逗號與前面內容隔開,只能放在例子的最前面。
For example例如,列舉整體中的一個人或物,前后都用逗號,它在句子中的位置比較靈活。
I like all kinds of fruits, such as, apples, bananas and so on.
Noise, for example, is a kind of pollution.
I have many hobbies, such as listening to the radio, watching TV and so on. (如聽收音機,看電視等等)
His photos are very good, this one, for example. (例如這一張)
couple  兩人,兩件事情,幾個人;配偶,夫妻
a couple of  一對
The couple have no children.
can't stop doing sth.  情不自禁做某事
can't wait to do sth.  迫不及待做某事
When I saw the view, I couldn't stop taking photos.
B1: 完成對話
Amy: Who did you go to Hong Kong with?
Kitty: I went there with (1)______________.
Amy: Where did you go during your stay there?
Kitty: We went to (2)______________.
Amy: How did you get there?
Kitty: We got there (3)______________.
Amy: How long did you stay in the park?
Kitty: We stayed there for (4)______________.
Amy: Did you enjoy yourselves there?
Kitty: Sure. We had (5)______________.
B2: After talking with Kitty, Amy is making notes of how Kitty spent her day at Disneyland. Help Amy complete the notes below.
A day at Disneyland
   Had fun on (1)_________
   Hurried to have a (2)_________ and met Disney (3)_________ on the way
   Watched a (4)_________ of Disney characters
   Watched a (5)_________
   Did some (6)_________
   Watched (7)_________ in front of the castle
B3: Kitty is showing Amy her photos the other day. Complete their conversation with the words in Kitty's letter on pages 22 and 23.
Kitty: I took lots of photos at Hong Kong Disneyland, Amy.
Amy: Oh, let me have a look. Is that Mickey Mouse?
Kitty: Yes. He looked so (1)______.
Amy: What's in this photo?
Kitty: It's Space Mountain, an (2)______ roller coaster. It moved at high (3)______ and we were (4)______ and laughing through the (5)______.
Amy: What do you think was the best part of the day?
Kitty: I think the parade of Disney (6)______ was really wonderful.
Amy: Was the film in the park interesting?
Kitty: Yes. The 4-D film was like (7)______. We could even smell the apple (8)______.
Amy: Did you go shopping there?
Kitty: Yes. I bought (9)______ key rings. Here's one for you.
Amy: It's nice. Thank you.
B4: Kitty had a good time at Hong Kong Disneyland. Find the sentences in her letter that show her happiness.
Para. 2. First, we had fun on Space Mountain.
Para. 2. It moved at high speed and was really exciting.
Para. 2. We were screaming and laughing through the ride.
Para. 4. I ran after them and couldn't stop taking photos.
Para. 5. It was like magic. We could even smell the apple pie and feel the wind.






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