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七年級英語下冊Module 4 Unit 8 From hobby to career(Grammar, Talk time)

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《Colourful life》Unit 8 From hobby to career(Grammar, Talk time)
1 Grammar A

Adverbial clauses of time(when)
When did Patrick get a book about the stars?
When he was eight,he got a book about the stars.
Look and think
Look at the following sentences and answer the questions.
When he was eight,he got a book about the stars.
He got a book about the stars when he was eight.
Do the sentences have different meanings?
What is the difference between the two sentences?
What change has been made in punctuation?
Adverbial clauses of time
We can use the conjunction when to form an adverbial caluses of time.It links two
clauses into one sentence.
We can put an adverbial clause of time at the beginning or the end of a sentence.
Work out the rule
When we use the conjunction when link two clauses,we tell people that the two
actions happen at (the same time/different times).
Things to remember
We can also use before,after,while,as soon as and until to form adverbial caluses
of time.
1.My mum was cooking when I got into the kitchen.
2.After he left the college,he went to America.
3.I'll call him as soon as I get there.
4.He didn't go to bed until his father came back.
5.He has lived in Beijing since he was born.
6.While he was watching TV,his father came in.
When she came in,I stopped eating.
When I lived in the countryside,I used to carry somewater for him.
We were about to leave when he came in
While my wife was reading the newspaper,I was watching TV.(was reading是延續(xù)性的動
詞,was reading和was watching同時發(fā)生)。
I like playing football while you like playing basketball.

2.Grammar exercise
Match the clauses in column A with those in column B to make complete senteces
with when.
1 She always brings a present
2 He sits on the floor
3 He stayed in bed
4 She takes a basket
a he was ill.
b she goes shopping
c she visits her friends.
d he watches TV.
Now,rewrite each sentence with the adverbial clause at the beginning.
When she visits her friends,she always brings a present.
When he watches TV,he sits on the floor.
When he was ill,he stayed in bed.
When she goes shopping,she takes a basket.
The beginning og your hobby
Talk about the beginning og your hobby with an adverbial clause of time.You can
start it like this:
When I...
That was the beginning of my hobby.
For example:
When I got my first singing prize,I decided to become a better singer.
That was the beginning of my hobby.

3.Grammar B
used to/did not use to
Group presentation
In Groups of four,make sentences with "used to" and "did not use to",and then
present those sentences to the class.
used to/did not use to
Pay attention to?
Conclusion about used to
We used to talk about something we often did in the past,Its negative form is did
not use to/didn't use to.
I used to go outside with my mum on clear rights and look at the sky.
When did her dad use to take them for trips  on his boat?
I didn't use to have much money.
Things to remember
Used to is a model verb.Other examples of model verbs are can,may and must.Do not
confuse used to with the main verb use.
He used to look at the stars every night,but now he does not.
He used his knowledge to tell people about the stars in a lively way.

4.Grammar exercise
Look at the pictures of Mike at primary school and Mike now,what did he use to do
and what does he do now?Use the example to help you.
go/Dongfeng Road Primary School
go/No.5 Junior High School
Mike used to go to Dongfeng Road Primary School.
Now he goes to No.5 Junior High School.
go to bed/9 p.m.         go to bed/10 p.m.
Mike used to go to bed at 9 p.m.
Now he goes to bed at 10 p.m.
not enjoy/swimming       go/swimming/every week
Mike didn't use to enjoy swimming.
Now he goes swimming every week.

Talk time
Stress in nouns and verbs
A1 Say these nouns and verbs in pairs.Stress the underlined syllables.
Nouns:increase  present  progress  project
Verbs:increase  present  progress  project
Work out the rule
When reading words with two syllables,we notice:
As nouns,the stress is on the first syllable.
As verbs,the stress is on the second syllable.
A2 Read this conversation aloud.Underline the stressed syllable in each of the
words in italics.
Mary:Thanks for the bok,Jack.It's a nice present,It'll be really useful for my
school project on stars.
Jack:I'm sure your understanding of the stars will increase.By the way,how's your
Mary:I'm making good progress,I'll present it next week.

3.完成《練習冊》Grammar,Talk time的練習。





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