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七年級(jí)英語下冊(cè)Module 4 Unit 7 Poems(Reading, Culture corner)

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《Colourful life》Unit 7 Poems(Reading, Culture corner)
1.Getting ready

Let's recite our poem,Lo.
All right.
Lo:I sometimes wnder why They didn't call me Hi.
Hi:And I'd really like to know why they didn't call me Lo.
'why'and 'Hi'are rhyming words.
'know'and'Lo'are rhyming words.
Read the poem aloud.
In winter          In spring          In summer          In autumn
Watch us go,       My shoes are wet.  By the sea,        Trees are brown,
Making footprints  See hoe deep       Sandy footprints   I kick the leaves
In the snow        The puddles get.   Made by me.        All over town.
A poem is expressive language written in verse form(arranged in lines).Each word is carefully chosen,so it is also an economical way to express ideas.
Read the poem and spot the thymes.
Water all around us
Water has no taste at all.Water has no smell.
Water's in the waterfall,
The tap,
And the well.
Water's everywhere around us.
Water's in the rain.
In the pond,
And in the sea again.
A quiz about poems
A The following is a quiz about poems.Tick(√)the boxes to show your opinions.
1 We only use difficult words in poems.
2 All poems must have rhymes,e.g.catlfat.
3 Poems are not only for children.
4 Poems can tell stories.
5 All poems use complete sentences.
6 We can write poems about our feelings and ideas.

My dad
He comes home,has a shower,
And eats dinner,every day.
Now,he's sitting in his favourite chair
Too tired to laugh or play.
He reads his book or newspaper
To learn what's new today.
Soon he'll go to bed.
He's boring man,my dad.
Then I see him working,
On the building site.
He's high up in the clouds
Highter than a kite
He's walking on a narrow piece of wood.
Not worried about the height.
Not afraid,not afraid like me.
He's a superman,my dad.
Then I see him working,
On the building site.
He's high up in the clouds
Higer than a kite
He's walking on a narrow piece of wood.
Not worried about the height
Not afraid,not afraid like me.
He's a superman,my dad.
D2 Complete the following summaries of the poems.Write one word in each blank.
My dad
How many veres does this poam have? Two.
What is it about?
Verse 1:The write says that at _____ his father is ________ because he does the         same things every evening.
Verse 2:The writer sees his father at _______,high in the air,and now he thinks         that his dad is a _________.
I think this poem is ________(use an adjective).
Where does his dad work?
He words on a building site.
What does he do at work?
He walks on a narrow piece of wood.
Is he afraid of the height?
No,he isn't.
What does the write call his dad?
The write calls his dad a superman.
2 The old newspaper seller
He's sitting at the newspaperstand.
Near the bus stop,
And he's smiling.
The sun is shinning.
It's very hot.
But he's smiling.
A bus stops,and the people rugh out.
They're hurrying to work.
They don't have much time to smile.
They take their papers quickly,
And put down some money.
But he's a patient man.
And he's still smiling.
A crowd of people.
All very busy,with tired faces,
And just one smile.
Is there just one smile in this city?
Or will you make it two?
Let's make a million smiles!
The old newspaper seller
How many veres does this poam have?
What is it about?
Verses 1&2:The writer tells us the man works at a newspaper _______.It is a _____            day.
Verse 3-5:The writer says that the people are ______ to work.They look ______.
Verse 6:The writer wants everyone to _______ and be happy.
I think this poem is _______.

C1 The words in italics are form the poems on page 89.Match the two halves of these sentences to learn their meaning.
1 When you have a shower,
2 When two large people try to walk through a narrow door.
3 If you are worried about something.
4 When some people rush out from a bus,
5 When we say "a crowd of people"
a we mean a large group pf people.
b they got out very quickly.
c you wash your body while standing.
d you are thinking about something and you feel unhappy about it.
e they cannot go though it at the same time.
C2 Look at the pictures,Complete the sentences below with the wods from the box.
crowd     heights      shower      smiles
1 take _______ every day.
2 There is a _____ of people at the train station
3 If you are afraid of ______,you should not work on a building site.
4 I buy my breakfast from this woman every day.She always ______ and says"Good   morning".

Are the two poems for ordinary or great peole?
Too tired to laugh or play.
What does "too tired to laugh or play" mean?
It means:so tired that(he)does not want to laugh or play
What does "too...to..."mean?
It means:so ...that sb.does not want to do somthing.
·Not worried about the height.
(be)worried about sth.為某事?lián)鷳n
Jack is too fat.
He is worried about his weight.
D1 David and Ann are discussing the two poems.Complete their conversation with the information from the poems on page 89.
David:The first poem is interesting.The boy changed his idea about ______ when he       saw him working on the building site.
Ann:That's true.The boy thought his father was a _______ at home,but he found        out that his father was ________ at work.
David:I also like "The old newspaper seller".It gives Good advice to people.
Ann:What advice does it give?
David:Everyone should ________.
Ann:I agree,It's good for people to ______ more often.
David:Yes,just like ________.He's happy all the time!

Group discussion
D3 What do you think of the following lines?Discuss them with your classmates.
He's a superman,my dad!
My dad is a boring man at home.However,he's a superman at work.He walks on a narrow piece of wood.He is not worried about the height and he is not afraid.He works very hard at the building site.
Let's make a million smiles!
People around the city are very busy and tired.They don't have time to smile.In the whole city there is only one smile from the newspaper seller.The wrter hopes that people will smile more and the city is full of smiles.

Many people like writing poems to show their feelings.Li Bai,a Chinese poet,was one of them.He wrote a famous poem about the Moon.
In the quiet of the night         by Li Bai
The Moon,like white silver,shines before my bed.
It looks like frost on the ground.Lifting my head.I look at the Moon.Lowering my head,I'm thinking of my home town.
Group discussion
Which version of the poem do you perfer?The Chinese one or the English one?GIve your reasons.
靜夜思      李白
More poems:
Spring Morning       By Meng Haoran
Asleep,senseless of spring norning
I heard birds everywhere singing.
The stormy night made so much noise.
How many flowers dropped,Who knows?

Mooring by the Maple-Bridge at Night       By Zhang Ji
The crows crying,the moon lost in the forst-sky,
Asleep I feel sad the maples in fishing light
Outside Gusu the Cold-Hill Temple stands upright,
He bell tone reaching my boat at midnight.
楓橋夜泊      張繼

3.完成教材第92頁Comprehension D2的填空練習(xí)。





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