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高中英語《克隆 Unit 2 Cloning(Part 4)》(選修8)

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高中英語《克隆 Unit 2 Cloning(Part 4)》(選修8)

Read Cloning carefully and tell the main idea of each paragraph
Para 1   The definition of cloning
Cloning happens both in (plants)and in (animals).They can be cloned both by (themselves)and (humans).If they are cloned by themselves,they are called (natural clones).If they are cloned with the help of human beings,they are called (man-made clones).
What is cloning?
Cloning is a way of making an exact copy of another animal and plant.
Para 2  The major uses and procedures of cloning
1.How many major uses do cloning have?
Firstly,gardeners use it to produce commercial quantities of plants.
Secondly,it is valuable for research on new plant species and for medical research on animals.
2.When was the cloning of Dolly the sheep born?
Para 3    The problems of Dolly
At first,the fact that Dolly developed normally in a natural way was encouraging.
Later,the news that she lived for six years half the lenath of the life of the original one was distubing.
Finally,the problem that occurred to the scientists was that a cloned animal lives shorter than the original one.
as long as/shorter than/longer than
Para 4    The impact of Dolly
The word"controversial"in para 4 probably means(B).
A complicated
B arguable
C important
Para 5
True of false
1.People feared that cloned things would do harm to the world.  T
2.All the research into human beings will be forbidden. F
3.Some countries will use cloning in wise way.
1.The fact that she seemed to devolop normally was very encouraging.
本句是由that引導的同位語從句,對the fact的內(nèi)容進行解釋說明。
2.It suddenly opened everybody's eyes to the possibility of using cloning to cure serious illnesses and even to produce human beings.
3.Dolly's death like her birth was bound to raise worries.
4.Scientist believe human cloning is just a matter of time but the assumption that human clones have already been born hasn't been proved yet.
a matter of time  時間問題
Language points
1.forbid vt.禁止;不許
(1)forbid sb./sth.禁止某人/某事
If you want to marry her,I won't forbid you.
(2)forbid doing sth.禁止(做)某事
The new law forbids smoking in offices.
(3)forbid sb. to do sth. 禁止某人做某事
forbid sb. from doing sth.  禁止某人做某事
Her father forbade her to go out alone.
(1)The school (forbids the students to smoke)(禁止學生抽煙)
(2)He is forbidden to (enter the room).(進入這個房間)
(3)He was in poor health,so the doctor (C)him to drink wine.
A hope   B demanded   C forbade   D prevented
2.owe vt.
(1)欠(錢、物、債等),后面通常跟直接賓語和間接賓語,即:owe sb. sth.或owe sth. to sb.
Don't forget you still owe 150 yuan to the wine shop.
(2)owe...to...   把..歸功于....
He owes his success to hard work and practice.
If I have improved in any way ,I owe it all to my teacher.
(3)owe 亦可解釋為“應當給予....”
You owe me an apolohy.你得向我道歉。
We should do the duty which we owe to our country.我們應對國家盡我們應盡的義務。
(4)owing to=because of因為,由于,后接名詞,代詞,動名詞作賓語,構成介詞短語,表原因。
Owing to the rain ,they could not come.
(5)owe is to sb that...
I owe it to you that I finished my work in time.
She owes her success (C) good luch more than ( ) ability.
A to;and   B of;to   C to;to   D to;in
【解析】本題意中owe的含義是“歸功于”的意思,應與介詞to連用。句中more than的意思是“而不是”,用做連詞連接兩個介詞短語,句意為“她的成功是由于幸運,而不是由于有才干?!?br> 3.bother  vt,煩擾;打擾;困擾
The problem has been bothering me for weeks.
bother sb with  拿...來煩某人
I can't bother him with my little affairs.
bother about/with sth.  為某事煩惱;為某事操心
Don't bother about/with that useless metter.
I'm too busy to bother about fixing it now.
bother to do sth.“麻煩去做某事;特地做某事;特意做某事”,通常用于否定句中。
You needn't bother to come to my office.
disturb  打擾,擾亂
trouble  麻煩,煩擾
annoy  使惱怒,打攪
concern  關心
worry  擔心
interrupt  打斷,打擾
It really (bother me)that he'd forgotten my birthday.
He didn't even (bother to)let me know he was coming.
I don't want to (bother her with)my problems at the moment.
I'm very sorry to have (D)you with so many questions on such an occasion.
A attracted   B abstracted   C impressed    D bothered
4.disturb   vt.打擾,使不安,弄亂
disturbed  adj.被亂的,動亂的,不安的
disturbing  adj.令人不安的/煩擾
(1)I'm very (disturbed) about Alice.
(2)Don't (disturb) the papers on my desk.
(3)This country is in a (disturbing)state.
(4)What (disturbing) news it is!
(5)A light wind (disturbed)the surface of the water.
1.Translate the procedure of cloning Dolly the sheep into Chinese.
2.Get ready for the noun clauses----the appositive clause






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