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八年級英語上冊Unit 4《Do it yourself》(3)

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Unit 4《Do it yourself》(3)
Fruit Salad
pear     peach    lychee
banana   orange   cherry
pomelo 柚子     cantaloupe 哈密瓜
apple      grape    lemon
coconut    mango    strawberry
watermelon     pineapple
fruit               salad cream
chopping block      basin
Step 1: wash the fruit
Step 2: peel the fruit
Step 3: cut some of the larger fruit into small pieces
Step 4: add the salad cream
Step 5: mix the salad
How do you make a sandwich?
We need ...
bread    two pieces of bread
butter    a slice of butter
relish 調(diào)味品     a teaspoon of relish
lettuce 生菜     some lettuce
turkey 火雞     three slices of turkey
onion      an onion
tomato      a tomato
Pick a piece of bread.
Put some lettuce on the bread.
Put two teaspoons of relish on the lettuce.
Put three slices of chicken(sausage) on the relish.
Put another piece of bread on the top.
How do you make a sandwich?
First take a slice of bread.
Next put some lettuce on the bread.
Next put two teaspoons of relish on the lettuce.
Then put three slices of chicken on the relish.
Finally put a slice of bread on the top.
How do you make a turkey sandwich?
A: First, put some relish on a slice of bread.
B: How much relish?
A: About a teaspoon. Next, put some butter on a slice of bread.
B: How much butter?
A: About a teaspoon. Next put some tomatoes, onions and turkey slices on the hutter. Then put some relish. Then put some lettuce on the relish. Finally put another slice of bread.
How to make a super chicken sandwich? Please number them in right order(順序).
____ Cut up an onion and a tomato. Add these to the bread.
____ Put another slice of bread on the top.
____ Put the butter on a slice of bread.
____ Put some lettuce and the chicken slices on the bread. Put the relish on the chicken.
Study skills
-- un
unable 不能,unawared 未察覺
unbearable 無法忍受的,
uncertain 變化的,不確知的,
uncomfortable 不舒服的,
uncommon 不尋常的,unconcerned 不相干的
unhealthy 不健康的,unhappy 不快樂的
uncover 揭露,宣布,undecided 未作決定的,
undress (使)脫衣服,unlike 不像
unpleasant 討厭的,令人不快的
unfair 不公平的,untidy 不整潔的
unemployment 失業(yè),unequal 不平等的,
unexpected 意外,突然的,
unfamiliar 陌生的,新奇的,
unfit 不合適的,不勝任的,unfold 展開,
unforgettable 難忘的,unfortunate 不幸的,
unfriendly 不友好的,冷漠的,有敵意的,
ungrateful 忘恩負義的,徒勞的,
unhealthful 對健康有害的,
unlucky 不幸的,倒霉的,
unheard 沒聽到的,
unimportant 不重要的,
unheard-of 前所未聞的,空前的
unknown 未知的,unload 卸下
unnecessary 不必要的,多余的
unofficial 非官方的,非正式的
unpack 打開,
unqualified 不合格的,無資格的
unreal 不真實的
unrest 不安寧的,動亂的
unusual 不尋常的
-- im表示“不,無,非”,通常加在字母m,b,p之前
impatient 不耐心的
immovable 不可移動的
impractical 不切實際的
improbable 不大可能的
impure 不純的
imbalance 不平衡,不安定
impossible 不可能的(im+possible 可能的)
immoral 不道德的(im+moral 道德的)
impolite 無禮的(im+polite 禮貌的)
impartial 公平的(im+partial 有偏見的)
impassive 無動于衷的(im+pass 感情+ive → 沒感情)
immortal 不朽的(im+mortal 死的)
immutable 不變的(im+mutable 可變的)
-- in
inaccurate 錯誤的
inactive 不活躍的
inadequate 不充分的,不適當?shù)?br> inappropriate 不適當?shù)?br> incapable 不能勝任的
incautious 不小心的
incomplete 不完全的
inconsiderate 不顧別人的
incorrect 錯誤的
independent 獨立的
indirect 間接的
indistinct 模糊的,難以辨認的
inequitable 不公平的
inexact 不精確的
informal 不正式的
incomparable 無比的,不可比較的
invisible 無形的
Read the conversations below. Add the correct prefixes to some of the adjectives so that all the sentences make sense.
1. Annie: Do you spend a lot of time doing outdoor sports?
   Simon: Sure. It's usual for me to stay at home all day.
2. Sandy: Our neighbour next door is putting something on the wall.
   Mum: It's possible to sleep with all that noise.
3. Millie: Are you able to fix your bicycle, Andy?
   Andy: No. I'm certain that I can fix it myself.
4. Mum: Suzy, your room is really tidy - things are all over the floor.
   Suzy: Sorry, Mum. I'll tidy up right now.
How to make cards?
Millie is teaching her classmates how to make cards to help them remember things better. Look at the pictures and help Millie complete the instructions.
1. (1)______ out pieces of card with a pair of scissors.
2. (2)______ some words or a sentence on each card.
3. (3)______ a picture about the words or sentence on the other side of the card.
4. (4)______ at the picture and (5)______ to remember what is on the other side. Please (6)______(not) up. (7)______ trying, and you will find you can remember things better.
A DIY story
A Suzy did a DIY job at the weekend. Read her diary entry.
Saturday 30 October
Mum's birthday is coming, so I decided to make her a birthday card by myself. I went to Sandy's home to make the card because I wanted to keep it secret.
I planned to make a birthday card with some roses on it. Sandy helped me with the drawing. We had fun working together. It took me two hours to finish.
Lots of things went wrong during that time. I made some mistakes when I wrote the sentence "Happy Birthday, Mum!"
I kept spelling the words wrong. I was too excited!
Finally, I coloured the roses red, blue and pink. I also cut a picture of colourful balloons and stuck it on the cover. When I completed the card, there was paint on everything: the table, Sandy's books, my clothes, my hands and face!
Useful expressions
I decided to ... by myself.  決定親自…
I ... because ...  因為…我…
... helped me with ...  …幫我…
We had fun working together.  我們一起玩的開心。
It took me ... minutes/hours to finish.  花費了我…(分/小時)完成…
I made some mistakes when ...  當…出錯了…
Finally/In the end, ...  最后…
When I completed ..., ...  當完成后,…






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