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六年級英語上冊Module1 《Family and friends》(舊版)

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《Family and friends》
Now listen
A nice holiday
11 October(Monday)
Alice is my good friend.She has four/two cousins.She usually plays badminton/games with them.She usually goes swimming/shopping near Dargon Bay/Zhongshan Park.She has been to Ocean Park/Time Square in Dargon Bay/Spring Bay.
We are going to Ocean park/Zhongshan Park next Saturday/Sunday.We will go there by underground/bus.We will get there at nine/ten o'clcok in the morning.It will cost six/sixty yuan.
It will be a great day!

Using English
What's this?
It's a dictionary.
How are the words and names in dictionaries put?
In a alphabetical order.
In dictionaries,words and names are usually put in alphabetical order.Words starting with a are first.Words starting with b are second and so on until we reach z.
1 Put these letters in alphabetical order.
·C □ C
·S □ J
·M □ L
·N □ M
·J □ N
·L □ S
2 Put these words in alphabetical order.
·relative □ brithday
·hear     □ friendly
·friendly □ hear
·ship     □ relative
·birthday □ ship
·uncle    □ uncle
3 Put these name in alphabetical order.
·Alice □ Alice
·Mary  □ Ken
·Ken   □ Mary
·Tom   □ Tom
4 Sometimes all the words in a list start with the same letter.Put   the following words in alphabetical order.
·student□ school
·son    □ shop
·school □ sister
·sport  □ son
·shop   □ sport
·sister □ student
If words have the same first letter.the second letter decides the alphabetical order.
5 Sometimes all the words in a list start with the same two   letters.Put the following words in alphabetical order.
·study □ start
·stop  □ step
·start □ stop
·street□ street
·step  □ study
If words have the same first two letters,the third letter decides the alphabetical order.

More practice
Grandma's birthday is coming
Listen and decide True or False
1.Tomorrow is the Mid-autumn Festival.
2.Next Friday is Grandma's sixty-sixth birthday.
3.Alice's uncles,aunt and cousins will come to the birthday party.
4.Alice is going to make a big cake for her frandma.
5.Mum will go to the supermarket with her children.
It's an important day tomorrow.
Is it the Mid-autumn Festival?
important role重要的角色
important part重要的部分
the Mid-autumn Festival中秋節(jié)
No,Tom.The Mid-autumn Festival is next Friday.
Oh,I know.Is it Grandma's birthday?
You're right,Alice.It will be Grandma's sixth birthday.We're going to have a big birthday party.All your uncles.aunt and cousins will.
That's nice.We'll have a good time.
Are you going to make somethinkg special for the party,Mum?
Yes,I'm going to make a nice big birthday cake.
something一些      special特殊的
Great!And we can play with our cousins.
Now,we must get enough food for the party.I'm going to the supermarket.Are you coming with me?
Yes,Let's go.

Read after me
It's an important day tomorrow.
Is it the Mid-autumn Festival?
No,Tom.The Mid-autumn Festival is next Friday.
Oh,I know.Is it Grandma's birthday?
You're right,Alice.It will be Grandma's sixth birthday.We're going to have a big birthday party.All your uncles.aunt and cousins will.
That's nice.We'll have a good time.
Are you going to make somethinkg special for the party,Mum?
Yes,I'm going to make a nice big birthday cake.
Great!And we can play with our cousins.
Now,we must get enough food for the party.I'm going to the supermarket.Are you coming with me?
Yes,Let's go.

More practice
a  /ei/  game  late
/?/   cat   rat
/ei/ 由/e/和/i/兩個單音組成,/e/重讀,/i/輕讀,口型有半開和合,字母Aa就發(fā)這個音。
?/ 嘴張大,嘴角盡量拉向兩邊,呈扁平形,舌尖抵下齒。
e  /i:/  he    these
/e/   lat   bed
/i:/ 嘴角向兩邊張開,露出微笑表情,與字母Ee的發(fā)音相同。
/e/ 嘴型扁平,舌尖抵下齒,舌前部稍抬起。
i(y)  /ai/  hi  kite  my  why
/i/   sit  milk  busy  lady
/ai/ 由/a/和/i/兩個單音組成,前重讀后輕讀,口形由開到合,與字母Ii的發(fā)音相同。
/i/ 嘴唇微微張開,舌尖抵下齒,舌前部抬高,嘴型片平。
o  /?u/  go  nose
/?/   lot  stop
/?u/ 由/?/和/u/兩個單音組成,口型有半開到小,與字母Oo的發(fā)音相同。
/?/ 口腔打開,嘴張大,舌頭向后縮,雙唇稍收圓。
u  /ju:/  super  use
/u:/   blue   rule
/?/    mum    but
/ju:/ 由輔音/j/和元音/u:/組成的一個音標,發(fā)音和字母Uu相似。
/u:/ 嘴型小而圓,微微外突,舌頭盡量后縮。
/?/ 嘴型微微張開伸向兩邊,舌尖輕觸下齒,舌后部稍微抬起。

Read and circle
Circle the word that does not belong to the group.
1.face     name     stand     lake
2.very     desk     we        shelf
3.with     kite     white     ride
4.no       so       those     form
5.sun      music    truck     but
6.June     jump     duck      cut

Match the letters to the sounds.
butter           /ai/             and             /?/
be               /?/              uncle           /e/
van              /i/              cost           /?u/
shape           /i:/              blue           /u:/
arrive          /?/               unit          /ju:/
hill           /ei/               bone           /?/

2.請同學們熟記P25Look and read部分中的音標發(fā)音規(guī)則,并總結所發(fā)這些音的其它單詞。






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