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六年級英語上冊Module 1 Unit 2《I have a good friend. (2)》(舊版)

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《I have a good  friend. (2)》
Alice    Kitty
They are friends.
What do they usually do?
(They usually walk to school together.)
We usually walk to school together.
(They always help each other.)
We always help each other.
(They always share their lunch.)
We always share our lunch.
(They sometimes do their homework together.)
We sometimes do our homework together.
(They usually play together at the weekend.)
We usually play together at the weekend.
(They like to help other people)
We like to help other people.
(They like each other.They never fight with each other.They're good friends.)
I like Kitty.I like Alice.
We like each other.We never fight with each other.We're good friends.

Ask and answer
·What do Alice and Kitty usually do together?
They usually play together at the weekend.
They sometimes do our homework together.
They always help each other.
They like help other people.
They usually walk to school together.
They always share their lunch.
We never fight with each other.
·Is Kitty a good friend?
Yes,she is.

Do you want to be his friend?
Teddy doesn't like studying very much.
He plays a lot of computer games after school.
Sometimes he likes to fitht with other students.→Teddy is naughty.

Bob likes helping other students.
He usually helps other students with their homework.
Our teachers like him very much.
Do you want to be his friend?→Bob is helpful.

Peter is always nice to others.
Other students like him very much because they say he is like a young gentleman.
Do you want to be his friend?
Why or Why not?→Peter is friendly and kind.

John likes English very much and he always gets an A in English tests.
He likes reading English books too.
Other students usually call him a "little teacher".
Do you want to be his friend?
Why or Why not?→John works hard.

Jim always thinks about playing games and doesn't want wo work hard at school.
He usually gos to bed very late and can't get up early in the morning.
He usually gets to school cery late.
Do you like to be his friend?
Why or Why not?→Jim is late for school.

Jack is poor at Maths.
He has a maths test and he gets a C.
But he tells his parents that he gets an A.
Do you want to be his friend?
Why or Why not?→Jack tells lies.

Mark likes speaking loudly to his classmates.
His classmates don't like to talk with him.
Sometimes his classmate takes his pen by mistake,and he shouts.
Do you like to be his friend?
Why or Why not?→Mark gets angry.

New lesson
Writing:My good friend
Listen and write
Alice is my good friend.She is always _____ and ________.She always ______.She is never _____ school.She _____ gets angry.
Kitty is my good friend.She is always _____ to others.She always shares her ______ with me.She is never _____.She never _______.

Alice is my good friend.She is always friendly and helpful.She always works hard.She is never late for school.She never late for school.She never gets angry.
Kitty is my good friend.She is always kind to others.She always shares her food with me.She is never naughty.She never tells lies.

Things I like about her.
Things I like about her.

Liy,tell me about your friend!
Friend's name:______
Age:_____       Brithday:______
Height:_______  Weight:_______
What does Lily like about her?
Friend's name:______
Age:_____       Brithday:______
Height:_______  Weight:_______
What does Lily like about her?

Friend's name:Roma
Age:10          Brithday:31 July
Height:112 cm   Weight:25 kg
What does Lily like about her?
1.always kind to others.
2.friendly and helpful
Friend's name:Alice
Age:11          Brithday:10 Oct
Height:127 cm   Weight:30 kg
What does Lily like about her?
1.never angry

kind to teachers and students
Miss Fang is my good friend.
She is kind to teachers and students.
friendly and helpful
Miss Fang is my good friend.
She is friendly and helpful.
gets angry
Miss Fang is my good friend.
She never gets angry.

Things I like about him/her.
an example
Miss Fang(name)
Things I like about him/her.
Always:kind to teachers and students friendly and helpful
works hard
Never:late for work,tell lies and gets angry

·Read your list again.Write some sentences about your good friend.
My good friend
_______ is my good friend.
He/She is always...
He/She always...
He/She is never...
He/She never...
My good friend
Sam is my good friend.
He is always kind and friendly.
He always works hard.
He is never late for school.
He never tell lies.

Make a dialogue
S1:______,tell me about your friend?
S2:OK.______ is my good friend.
S1:What do you like about her?
S2:______ is always.../_______ always...
______ is never.../________ never...
Well.What about your friend?
What do they liek to do together?
go shopping     dance     ride bicycle     play
1.We like to go to the supermarket together.
Skygirl and Kitty are good friends.They like to go shopping together.
2.We like to play football together.
Spaceboy and Ben are ______.
They _________ together.
3.We like to dance together.
Skygirl and Spaceboy are good friends.
They like to dance together.
4.We have to circle bicycle together.
Ben and Skygirl are good friends.
They like to ride bicycle together.

Listen and tick
What does Spaceboy like about skygirl,Ben,Alice nad Kitty?Listen to Spaceboy and tick the correct answers.

Homework time
1.請同學(xué)們參考課本第十頁的Think and write部分,試著寫寫自己的朋友。






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