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七年級英語下冊Unit 6《Outdoor fun》Reading

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Unit 6《Outdoor fun》Reading
Do you read this book or watch the movie?
  Alice in wonderland
Words and expressions
rabbit  n.  兔子
hole  n.  洞
by  prep.  在……旁邊;經(jīng)過
pass  v.  經(jīng)過,通過
dear  天哪
watch  n.  手表
stand up  起立
get away  逃脫,離開
fall  v.  落下,倒
hit  v.  擊中
herself  pron.  她自己
alone  adj.  獨自,單獨
low  adj.  低的,矮的
locked  adj.  鎖上的
notice  v.  注意,察覺
into  prep.  到……里面
side  n.  側(cè),邊
through  prep.  穿過,通過
go through  通過
surprise  v.  使驚奇
put up  搭,豎立
wood  n.  木頭
   Down the rabbit hole
Listen and answer
1. What did Alice do one sunny day?
2. Who did Alice run after?
3. What could Alice see on the other side when the small door opened?
4. Did Alice go through the small door?
B1: Finding a new world
  take a watch           down a hole
  run                    out of its pocket
  jump                   through a door
  find oneself alone     across a field
  go                     in a long, low hall
Sandy wants to find out how some of the words in the story can be used. Match two halves of the expressions to help her.
B2: Put the sentences in the correct order.
□ Alice ran across the field after the rabbit.
□ The strange rabbit surprised Alice.
□ Alice sat by a river with her sister.
□ Alice opened a small door with the key.
□ Alice could see no one in the hall.
□ Alice found a small key on a table.
□ Alice jumped down the hole after the rabbit.
□ Alice saw a white rabbit passing by.
B3: Choose T or F
1. It was a cloudy day.
2. Alice was playing with a rabbit.
3. The rabbit asked Alice the time.
4. The rabbit jumped down the hole first.
5. It took Alice a long time to hit the ground.
6. Alice talked to the rabbit in the hole.
Language points
1. Alice sat by a river with her sister.
by  prep. “在……旁邊,靠近”
Come and sit by me.
There is a house by the river.
2. She saw a white rabbit in a coat passing by.
by  adv. “經(jīng)過”
She walked by just now.
Mr. Green hurried by without speaking to me.
3. She saw a white rabbit in a coat passing by.
see sb. doing sth.  “看見某人正在做某事”
I saw her watering the flowers in the garden.
He saw us swimming.
4. How amazing!
這只小白兔多么可愛?。?br> How lovely the white rabbit is!
What a lovely white rabbit it is!
5. Alice stood up and ran across the field.
across the field “穿過田地”
The old man is walking across the road.
She wants to swim across the river.
6. Alice tried to go through the door.
go through ...  “穿過……”
The sun shines through the window.
He went through the forest by himself.
Be careful when you go across the street.
It took us two hours to walk through the forest.
7. She found herself alone in a long, low hall.
find oneself... “發(fā)覺自己”
He woke up and found himself in the hospital.
alone “獨自的”,相當于“by oneself, on one's own”。
He finished the work alone.
B4: Simon is asking Sandy about the story Alice in wonderland. Help them complete the conversation.
     door    field    ground    hall    hole
     key     pocket   rabbit    river   watch
Simon: What's the story about?
Sandy: It's about a girl. Her name is Alice. One day, she sat by a (1)______ with her sister. Then she saw a white (2)______.
Simon: What did the rabbit do?
Sandy: The rabbit took a (3)______ out of its (4)______ and looked at the time.
Simon: What happened next?
Sandy: The rabbit ran across a (5)______. Alice ran after it. Then the rabbit and Alice both jumped into a (6)______.
Simon: What happened after that?
Sandy: Alice hit the (7)______. Then she found herself alone in a long, low (8)______. She saw a (9)______ on a table and used it to open a door.
Simon: Did she go through the (10)______?
Sandy: No, she didn't. It was too small.
Retell the story
   One day, Alice sat ______ a river, then she saw a white rabbit ______ by. The rabbit ______ a watch out of its ______ and looked at the time. Soon the rabbit ran ______ a field. It ______ Alice. So she ran after it. They both jumped into a ______. Alice hit the ground, and found herself in a long, low hall. She saw a ______ on a table and used it to open a small door. She wanted to go ______ the door, but she couldn't.
1. One day, I s______ by a river.
2. She saw a young man p______ by.
3. He t______ a watch out of his pocket.
4. The rabbit j______ down a big hole.
5. I found a small k______ on the table.
6. She can't go t______ the door.
7. What h______ to him?
8. The strange rabbit s______ Alice.
1. She ran _____ the field.
   A. cross   B. across   C. through
2. _____ beautiful the flowers are!
   A. What   B. How   C. What a
3. _____ nice day!
   A. What   B. How   C. What a
4. _____ beautiful flowers they are!
   A. What   B.How   C. What a
5. I saw a girl _____ into the room.
   A. go   B. going   C. goes
6. There is a river _____ the city.
   A. through   B. across   C. to
7. He likes to play _____ the kids.
   A. with   B. to   C. /
8. She found _____ along on the road at night.
   A. her   B. herself   C. himself
9. He used his key _____ the door.
   A. to open   B. open   C. opens
10. Did you do your homework just now?
   A. Yes, I do
   B. Yes, I did
   C. No, I did
Rewrite the story of "Down the rabbit hole". Write it on your exercise book.






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