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七年級英語上冊Module 2《Travels》Unit 5 Visiting the Moon(Reading)

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《Visiting the Moon--Reading》
1.Getting ready
How far can you see on a clear night?
About 380,000 kilometree.
Yes,I can see the Moon from the Earth.

2.The space
This unit will take you to the year 2053.You will learn about living in space and staying at a space hotel.
What do you know about...?
Would you like to travel into space?Look at the picture and write the corrct words in the boxes.
(3)the Earth
(4)the Moon

3.Complete the table below accoding to the title and the first paragraph of the diary on page 59.
A trip to space
10 October 2053
I'm so happy!Tomorrow I'll be one of the first students to travel into space.The spaceship will leave the Earth at 9 a.m.It'll take us to the Moon.I can't wait!
Before you read
Look at the photos,the title and the first paragraph of the diary on page 59.Then circle the correct answers.
1 Where is Jerry going?
a To the Moon.         b To a star.
2.How will Jerry travel?
a By spaceship.        b By plane
3.How may Jerry feel about the trip?
a Happy      b Excited       c Nervous       d Worried

4.Skim the diary
Decide the main idea of each paragraph.
Paragraph 1        Jerry talks about his plans for his activities on the Moon.
Paragraph 2        Jerry can't wait to travel into space.
Paragraph 3        Jerry tells some facts about the Moon and the trip to the Moon.
5.A trip to space
We are going to read a diary by Jerry.He will tell us something about his trip to space.
Answer the questions accordingto the second paragraph.
How long will it take to get to the Moon?
Why will it take such a long time?
Why wil they be able to float?
What will they have to do so that they won't float sway in sleep?
Will they feel very tired to move around?Why?
The Moon is around 380,000 kilometres from the Earth,so it'll take us about four days to get there.There's no gravity in space,so we'll all be able to float around in the spaceship.We'll have to tie ourselves to our beds so that we won't float away in our sleep!Without gravity,our bodies may get weak,so we'll have to do exercises every day.
Read the third paragraph and answer the following questions.
What will they have to wear?Why?What is Jerry going to do on the Moon?
When we arrive.I'm goingto walk on the Moon.I'll have to wear a spacesuit to help me breathe because there's no air on the Moon.I'm going to take as many photos as I can that is.If my camera still sorks up there...

6.Language points
1.Tomorrow I'll be one of the first students to travel into space.
Before Jerry,did any other students travel into space?
Is Jerry the only student to travel into space?
one of the first+n(pl.)
2.I can't wait!
I can't wait (to do something)=I want to do something very much
e.g.Tomorrow is Christmas.I can't wait to see my Christmas gifts.
3.It'll take us about four days t oget there.
It takes somebody[some time]to do something
=somebody spend[some time](in)doing something
"take"has other meanings.
It'll take us to the Moon.
I'm going to take as many photos as I can.

C1 The words and phrase in italics are from the diary.Circle the correct answers to complete these sentences.
1.If you leave a place,you ______ it.
a go to         b go away from
2.If you have to do something,you ____ do it.
a can           b must
3.If you tie something,you ________.
a hold two or more things together with a rope
b make something into a rope
4.When you breathe,you _______.
a keep yourself warm
b take air into and send it out of your body
C2 Complete the conversations with the words and phrase from the box.
able to      breathe      camera       leaves         tie
1.Andrew:I like your new (1)________ Jerry.
   Jerry:Thanks.I love taking photos.
2.Amy:It's too hot and there are too manu people here.I can't (2)      _______.Can I open the window?
 Kate:Of course,you can.
3.David:The plane(3)_______ the airport at 3 p.m.We must hurry.
  Sally:Don't worry.We have enough time.
4.Dora:Can you help me (4)_______ the rope to the chair?
5.Tony:Will you be (5)______ come to y party tomorrow?
  Paul:Sorry,I'm busy.

D1 Read Jerry's diary on page 59 and answer the questions below in complete sentences.
When is Jerry going to travel into space?
Why will Jerry be able to float around in space?
What will Jerry wear on the Moon?
D2 Read Jerry's diary and the sentences below.Circle T(True)or F(False).
Find facts in the diary t osupport your answers.Then srite down the facts.
1.Jerry is the only student t travel into space.
Tomorrow I'll be one of the first students to travel into space.
2.Jerry is very excited about the trip.
I can't wait!
3.Jerry will not be able to breathe on the Moon without a spacesuit.
I'll have to wear a spacesuit to help me breathe because there's no air on the Moon.

9.Fill in the blanks with the words and pharses from the diary on page 59.
I'm so happy!Tomorrow I'll ________ to Hainan Island with my classmates.We will home early in the morning.It will _________ us about two hours to get to the island by plane.I can't wait!
Hainan Island is _______ the biggest islands in our country.It is warm.There are many kninds of fruit there.They are cheap.We can enjoy the fruit _________ paying much money.
When we arrive.I will try diving.I do not have a _____ body,but I will still have to do some expercise to prepare myself before the trip.When I go diving.I will ________ wear some equipment to help me ______.I long to _____ in the clear sea and swim happily.
I will ______ swim underwater with fishes.How wonderful!

3.完成《練習冊》第66頁Vocabulary和第73頁Reading A的練習。


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