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四年級英語下冊Module 3 Unit 3《Days of the week(1)》(舊版)

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《Days of the week(1)》

星期天   Sunday
星期一   Monday
星期二   Tuesday
星期三   Wednesday
星期四   Thursday
星期五   Friday
星期六   Saturday

My name's Betty and I'm very busy.
Busy,busy,busy,but I'm very happy.
I'm always busy on Monday,
Tuesday and Wednesday,Wednesday.
And sometimes busy on Thursday and Friday.
I'm usually busy,but I'm always happy.
And I'm never busy on Saturday and Sunday.

Look and learn
always     總是
usually    通常
often      經(jīng)常
sometimes  有時
never      從未
always  總是---usually  通常---often  經(jīng)常---sometimes  有時---seldom  很少---never  從不
always     總是100
usually    通常80
often      經(jīng)常30-50
sometimes  有時20
seldom     很少5
never      從未0

1.always意為“總是”“一直”它所表示的頻度最高相當于all the time
Tom is always late for school.湯姆上學總遲到。
We usually go shopping on Sundays.我們周日通常去購物。
We often have supper at home.我們經(jīng)常在家吃晚飯。
She sometimes walks along the river.她有時候沿著河邊散步。
Sometimes I don't like to work because I feel too tired.
5.hardly ever意為“幾乎不”
She hardly ever watches TV.她幾乎不怎么看電視。
He has never been to Beijing.他從未去過北京。

Do a survey
What do youe classmates usually do at weekends?How often do they do those things?Do a survey.
always   usually   often   sometimes     never
visit my grandparents      see a film      play badminton
go to the park             play basketball     play football

What do you usually do at weekends?
I usually play badminton with my father.
Do you go to the park at weekends?
Yes.Sometimes I go to the park with my family.

(   )1.a Sunday morning         
b Sunday afternoon
c Saturday afternoon
(   )2.a goes to the gym        
b goes to the library
c walks to the gym
(   )3.a go to the reading club         
b go to the Chinese chess club
c go to the swimming club
(   )4.a Herry often washes his car on Monday.       
b Herry sometmimes washes his car on Monday.
c Herry always washes the car for me.
(   )5.a This Tuesday is my father's birthday.        
b This Thursday is my brother's birthday.
c This Tuesday is my brother's birthday.

(   )1.a Yes,I do.      b Yes,she does.       c No,you don't.
(   )2.a I never go to the park on Saturday.       
b I sometimes go to the computer lab on Saturday.
c I usually go to the library.
(   )3.a Yes,he does.      b No,she doesn't.       c Yes,I do.
(   )4.a It's Sunday.       
b It's Sunday morning.
c It's a sunny day.
(   )5.a No,I don't.      b Yes,we do.       c He likes it.
(   )6.a I usually play basketball.       
b We go to school together.
c I have an English class on Tuesday morning.
I am Lily,a student at Green Primary School.I go to school from Monday Sunday to Saturday/Friday.I sometimes/often go to the school library on Monday afternoon.I often/always go to the music club on Thursday/Tuesday.I sometimes/always go home early on Wednesday afternoon.I like playing Chinese chess.I often/sometimes go to the Chinese chess club with my classmates on Thursday afternoon/evening.I go home at two thirty on Tuesday/Friday afternoon.I always play tennis/table tennis with friends then.I enjoy my schoollife.

go to the library         sing      dance      skate       skip
go to the Chinese chess club        ride a bicycle       fly a kite
play football      play table tennis       play basketball
I usually/often/sometimes...on...
I often sing on Monday afternoon.
I often skip on Friday morning.
I sometimes go to the Chinese chess club on the weekend.
I often ride a bicycle on Thursday.
I often fly a kite on Tuesday.
I often play football on Monday.
I often play basketball on Tuesday.
I often play table tennis on Wednesday.

3.聽錄音,熟讀Look and say.




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