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六年級英語下冊Unit 8《The concert (3)》(舊版)

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六年級英語下冊Unit 8《The concert (3)》

Hi!July!What will you do on Monday?
I will(       ).(彈鋼琴)
Hi!July!What will you do on Tuesday?
I will(       ).(讀一本新故事書)
Hi!July!What will you do on Friday?
I will(       ).(去拜訪我的叔叔、阿姨)
Hi!July!What will you do this afternoon?
I will(       ).(寫一張明信片)
Hi!July!What will you do on Saturday?
I will(       ).(去參加一個生日聚會)
Hi!July!What will you do on Sunday?
I will(       ).(去游泳)

Uncle Booky\'s Storytime
The Emperor\'s New Clothes(Part2)
One day,two men to the Emperor.They were not tailors.They were liars.They wanted to make some money.They told the Emperor,\"We can make magic cloth.Only clever people can see the magic cloth.Stupid people can\'t see it.\"The Emperor was pleased.With the cloth he could tell who was clever and who was stupid.\"How wonderful!Make a suit for me with the magic cloth.I am going to wear it on New Year\'s Day.\"he told the liars.

One day,two men to the Emperor.
They were not tailors.
They were liars.
They wanted to make some money.
They told the Emperor,
\"We can make magic cloth.
Only clever people can see the magic cloth.Stupid people can\'t see it.\"
The Emperor was pleased.With the cloth he could tell who was clever and who was stupid.
\"How wonderful!Make a suit for me with the magic cloth.
I am going to wear it on New Year\'s Day.\"he told the liars.

a.The two men were ...
tailors□ farmers□ liars□
b.The two men wanted to...
make some money□ make new friends□ make a cake
c.They told the Emperor,\"We can make ...\"
beautiful cloth□ colorful cloth□ magic cloth□
d.The two men said,\"Only...people can see the magic cloth.\"
clever□ stupid□ old□
e.The Emperor wanted to wear the new suit on ...
Christmas Day□ his birthday□ New Year\'s Day□

4.Listen and write the words.
make  wear  came  see  want to
Today,two wonderful tailors 1_____to see me.They said,\"We can 2_____magic cloth.Only clever people can 3____the cloth.Stupid people can\'t see it.\"How wonderful!I 4_____have a new suit with the cloth and I will 5____it on New Year\'s Day.

Read and Write
On Saturday I will go swimming with Sam.We will eat lunch in the restaurant near the park.We\'ll go home by bus.Then we will go to the movies with Mom and Dad.On Sunday I will get up late.In the afternoon I will visit Aunt Jane.We will make a birthday cake for Mom.Then we will go to the party.


 1.eat lunch in a restaurant  YES  NO
 2.go to the movies    
 3.play the piano    
 4.get up late on Sunday    
 5.write a letter    
 6.visit a friend    
 7.make some cookies    
 8.go to a party    

Write about your weekend.
Write three things you will do and three things you won\'t do.
?see a movie
?read a book
?watch TV
?do the homework
?play the piano
?go swimming
?go to the library
?take some photos
?go to a concert
1.I will watch TV.
2.I will read a book.
3.I will go to the library.
4.I won\'t see a movie.
5.I won\'t go swimming.
6.I won\'t take some photos.

2、理解童話故事The Emperor\'s New Clothes(part2)




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